Исполнитель: | Mass Songs (Apprentice's Notes) (English) |
Пользователь: | Apprentice Chanter |
Длительность: | 130 секунд |
Начальная пауза: | 12 секунд |
Названия аккордов: | Не установлено |
Матерная: | |
Комментарии к подбору: | Нет |
modified for use
tune & length suggest being fit for
High Mass or Lenten usage
intro: Am G F C E7
Am G
Lord Jesus, you came to reconcile us
F C - E7
to one another, and to the Father.
Am F E7 Am F E7
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Am G F
Lord Jesus, you heal, the wounds of sin
C E7 Am F E7
and division. Christ, have mercy.
Am F E7
Christ, have mercy.
Am G
Lord Jesus, you intercede
F C - E7
for us, with Your Father.
Am F E7 Am Am F E7 Am
Lord, have me--rcy. Lord, have me--rcy.