Исполнитель: | Headway Singers (English) |
Пользователь: | Roger Huxley |
Длительность: | 130 секунд |
Начальная пауза: | 12 секунд |
Названия аккордов: | Не установлено |
Матерная: | |
Комментарии к подбору: |
Simple version of a lovely song |
G C C/B Am7
When I was just a little girl,
Am7/G C C Am7 G7
I asked my moth - er, "What will I be?
G G7 G G7
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?"
Dm7 G C C7
Here's what she said to me:
"Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be;
G7 G7
The fu - ture's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera, what will be, will be."
G C C/B Am7
When I was just a child in school,
Am7/G C C G7
I asked my teach - er, "What will I try?
G G7 G G7
Should I paint pictures? Should I sing songs?"
Dm7 G C C7
This was her wise reply:
Repeat Refrain:
G C C/B Am7
When I grew up and fell in love.
Am7/G C C G7
I asked my sweet - heart, "What lies a - head?
G G7 G G7
Will we have rainbows day after day?"
Dm7 G C C7
Here's what my sweetheart said:
Repeat Refrain:
G C C/B Am7
Now I have Children of my own.
Am7/ G C C G7
They ask their moth - er, "What will I be?"
G G7 G G7
Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?"
Dm7 G C C7
I tell them tender-ly.
Repeat Refrain