Исполнитель: | Mass Songs 03 Gloria (English) |
Пользователь: | Nathan |
Длительность: | 130 секунд |
Начальная пауза: | 12 секунд |
Названия аккордов: | Не установлено |
Матерная: | |
Комментарии к подбору: | Нет |
Glory to God (#2 by SILPYC)
Key: D Time Sig.: 2,4 Tempo: 110 or so bpm
Intro: D A(/ C#) Bm (optional: A G F#m Em) Asus A7
D A/C# Bm A G F#m Em A
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God in the highest
D A/C# Bm A G F#m Em A D
And on earth, peace on earth, Peace, to people of good will.
G A D Bm G A D Bm
We praise You, we bless You, We adore You, we glorify You
G A D Bm
We give You thanks, for Your great glory
Em F#m Bm A G A
Lord God Heavenly King,.. O God Almighty Father. (Repeat GLORY)
G A D Bm G A D Bm
Lord Jesus Christ, Only begotten Son
G A D Bm G A
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father
G A D Bm G A
You take away the sins of the world, Have mercy, on us
G A D Bm G A
You take away the sins of the world, Receive, our prayers
G A D Bm Em F#m Bm A
You are seat-ed at the right hand, The right hand of the Father
Have mercy, on us. (Repeat GLORY)
G A D Bm G A D Bm
For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord
G A D A Bm G Em A
You alone are the mo-st high, Je-sus Christ
G A D Bm G A
With the Holy Spirit in the Glory of God the Father (Repeat GLORY)
Em A D
Amen. Amen.