Исполнитель: | Mass Songs Advent (English) |
Пользователь: | Apprentice Chanter |
Длительность: | 130 секунд |
Начальная пауза: | 12 секунд |
Названия аккордов: | Не установлено |
Матерная: | |
Комментарии к подбору: | Нет |
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Intro: Em Am D Em
Em Bm Am B7 Em
O come, O come Emma-----nuel,
Em Am Bm Em
and ransom captive Is-----rael,
Am Em A7 D G
That mourns in lonely ex--ile here,
D G Am D G
until the Son of God appear.
D Bm Am D7 Em
Rejoice, rejoice, O Is—----rael.
Em Am Bm Em
To thee shall come ”Emma----nuel.”
II. (Same chords as I.)
O come, thou Wisdom from on high,
And order all things far and high
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
(Repeat Refrain)